Seychelles Grand Slam

Astove | Seychelles

Time for

For days, I've been packing for the trip to Astove in Seychelles. I already know Astove quite well and have a good idea of what I need there. Still, I'm always double-checking, as I wouldn't want to forget anything. Naturally, I end up taking much more than I actually need, but it's definitely better to be over-prepared than to miss something on-site.

For GT fishing, I've tied Black/Purple and Tan/White Hollow Flies with extra-large Island Fox hair. Andrew Warshawer probably ties the coolest Hollow Bucktail Streamers. He tied some colors for me as well, which I'm bringing along. For bonefish, permit, and such, I've got my filled C&F fly boxes with me.

Astove | Seychelles
14. - 22. February 2015

a feeling

  • 2015-02-flyfish-adventures-seychellen-34.jpg
    Our Equipment
  • 2015-02-flyfish-adventures-seychellen-16.jpg
    What a Catch
  • 2015-02-flyfish-adventures-seychellen-18.jpg
    Our Hotel
  • 2015-02-flyfish-adventures-seychellen-17.jpg
    Our Neighbours
  • 2015-02-flyfish-adventures-seychellen-6.jpg
    GT-Fishing Equipment
  • 2015-02-flyfish-adventures-seychellen-4.jpg
    On the Hand

A long Journey

Meticulously prepared, I head to Munich Airport on February 14th. I'm flying with Etihad to Abu Dhabi and then onwards to Mahé, Seychelles. After landing, I drive to the Crown Beach Hotel, booked for me by Aardvark McLeod. I meet my colleagues Sam from the USA and Ronnie and Butler, two Englishmen. We have a pleasant evening together and go to bed early. However, I sleep poorly.

The overnight stay in Mahé is frustrating, but unfortunately, the IDC charter flight to Assumption and Astove departs early in the morning from Mahé. There's no flight connection that allows us to arrive on the same day. The next morning, we depart on time. A stopover on Alphonse is planned, and the flight is quite turbulent. Just before Alphonse, it turns into a storm, and we can't land. We have to return to Mahé and will try again in the evening or the next morning once the weather clears. The last thing we want to hear! We're extremely disappointed. We stay at the newly built Eden Paradise Hotel and can only fly to Astove via Alphonse on February 17th, where we arrive late in the morning.

Finally, at 12:20 PM, we head out for fishing. It's actually a bit late because the tide is already quite strong. This makes fishing in the surf difficult, as the waves are high and water is already crashing onto the shore. Additionally, I'm exhausted. Initially, I hook a Bluefin and then a small GT, but I lose both fish. I start feeling almost sick from the heat and exertion, so I decide to end early.

Great Catch


Brand new Lodge

A brand-new lodge for 12 guests has been established on Astove, and we are the second group of guests to stay there. In the future, the plan is for six fly fishermen to be able to fish there for ten weeks each in spring and autumn. The remaining time is reserved for divers. The small villas are completed; they are very simply furnished, but they have everything you need. A small pool and a restaurant are still under construction. So, everything is still a bit basic, but the food tastes excellent. It's pleasant to have solid ground under your feet in the evening after a demanding day of fishing. It simply aids in recovering much better.


Our Yield

Details about my Trip

The Guides

The best guides in the Seychelles are on-site – and with Cameron, Serge, Christiaan, and Wayne, probably the most renowned and experienced ones. I know them all well now, and I like them all: Each has their unique style.

The Team

Furthermore, we anglers are an amazing group. I meet Jörn again, this time with his wife Ulla, and there's also Ronny, Sam, and Sarah.

The Fishing

We have only five full days left: We lost one due to weather, and on the arrival day, we were all exhausted. However, we know that we'll have a spring tide. I know this from my first fishing experience on Astove. That's when the surf usually becomes active.

The lagoon is full of bonefish this time. Personally, I focus on the gangsters of the flats: I love fishing for GTs! – Even though it's great to catch bonefish one after another. I prefer the GTs and keep an eye out for rays and dark shadows. Particularly noticeable is the large number of bonefish in front of the surf. At times, there are schools of 100 fish weighing over 10 pounds. In between, I also catch a bonefish or two. Their fighting strength is truly extraordinary.

Seychelles Grand Slam. On the third day, Serge and I achieve a "Seychelles Grand Slam." That means: catching a bonefish, a triggerfish, and a GT in a single day!

Every day is insane! I never hook less than 7-8 GTs, and in total, I catch 27 GTs in these five days.

I have an extraordinary day with Serge in the surf, where we spot the GTs from a distance and I can almost perfectly cast to each one. I also fish with Cameron and Christiaan in the surf, where the GTs come after rays in very shallow water.

Then comes the day with Wayne at the wreck in the surf. After lunch, Wayne shows me a spot and encourages me to make a few "blind casts" into deeper water. I go to the designated spot, and there's a ledge there. With coral blocks and bommies everywhere, I think it'll be hard to land a fish there. Then I see a huge GT riding a wave! I only see its tail fin and its back in the foamy water. It's clear to me that this is a trophy fish. I call Wayne and start casting in its direction. The GT immediately approaches, misses my fly, but apparently doesn't see me. A few more casts, and it comes at full speed, attacking my fly with brute force. Wayne recognizes who we're dealing with and instructs me to fight the fish as hard as I can. I don't need to be told twice. With all the coral blocks – I hardly believe in a chance. I give the fish hardly any line and hold it so tightly that I'm almost at the breaking point. I manage to turn the fish completely in the wave twice, and it goes into the backing just once. It doesn't manage to dive deeply anymore; I've given it everything I've got. When the fish starts turning towards the shallow water, Wayne already has it by the tail fin. In three or four minutes, it's landed: It's 120 cm long. Wayne and I are overjoyed. Afterwards, we look at the spot a few more times and still can't believe it.

Everyone has an amazing week and enjoys the beautiful weather and incredible fishing. Everyone catches their dream fish. On the second-to-last day, Jörn catches a substantial GT measuring 117 cm – I can hear his shouts of joy all the way to the other side of the lagoon!

Some Impressions



The underwater world around Astove is unparalleled. It's something you can't miss! Twice, I spend an hour exploring it and taking some shots with my underwater camera.


All images of the trip